40 Million Americans are Missing THIS Critical Component for Adrenal Repair
Did you know that quality sleep is critical for adrenal repair? Yet people who are suffering from adrenal fatigue are almost always sleep deprived.
Chronic stress not only causes recurrent surges in adrenal hormones like cortisol and adrenalin that can leave you feeling wiry and unable to relax into a deep sleep, but the anxiety associated with not being able to fall asleep can also wreak havoc on the adrenals you are trying to heal.
In a healthy person, the circadian cycle of cortisol released by the adrenal glands follows a consistent 24-hour pattern, spiking in the morning around 8:00am and dropping to its lowest levels in the middle of the night between 12am-4am.
This rhythm can be totally thrown off when the adrenals are depleted, causing cortisol to remain continuously high or rise and fall irregularly throughout the night.
Once you’re finally asleep, this inconsistency can make it difficult to STAY asleep and get quality rest – spiraling you into a continuous loop of overall fatigue and exhaustion.
One of the most important things you can do for adrenal repair is to set yourself up for a restful night’s sleep with techniques geared to reduce and adapt to stress.
Here are three quick and easy suggestions to help you unwind and relax into a more restful slumber:
1. Take a Warm Epsom Salt Bath
Simply soaking in warm water can help ease stiff joints and muscles. Adding epsom salts to your bath provides you with the added benefit of magnesium and sulfate, which are nutrients that many people with adrenal fatigue are deficient in.
In addition to promoting general relaxation, magnesium plays numerous important roles in the body, including regulating the activity of over 325 enzymes, supporting a healthy inflammatory response, and aiding with healthful muscle and nerve function.
Sulfates support the absorption of nutrients, the healthy elimination of toxins, and help ease tension.
2. Meditate
Just a few minutes of practice per day can help calm anxiety. If you are a beginner, sit or lie comfortably and close your eyes.
Then breathe naturally and simply observe (without trying to control) how the body moves with each inhalation and exhalation. Daily meditation may alter the brain’s neural pathways and help support more resiliency to stress over time.
3. Progressive Muscle Relaxation
Curl your toes tightly for a count of seven, and then relax. Repeat through each muscle group, working up from your toes to your neck. This works by supporting healthy blood pressure, reducing physiological tension, and influencing respiration and pulse rates that promote sleep and relaxation.
Taking time to consciously relax before going to bed with these stress-relieving supports calm adrenals, which in turn instigates healthy cortisol and adrenaline levels.
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