Why Longevity Coffee® is GOOD for You

Why Longevity Coffee® is GOOD for You

It’s hard to believe something so delicious can also be good for you, but it’s true: Longevity Coffee® is actually GOOD for you. From your first sip, you will notice special characteristics about this coffee. After your first cup, you will be a fan for life.

One of the reasons this coffee is so unique is that it is crash-free. Longevity Coffee® is loaded with flavor and you won’t feel the jitters, addictive cravings, or upset stomach that people often experience when they drink other coffees. Longevity Coffee’s top-of-the-line beans heated in their one-of-a-kind roaster produce the most nutritious and delicious coffees on the planet! No other coffee company comes even close to what Longevity Coffee® is doing. 

Here are 5 reasons WHY Longevity Coffee® is the best coffee on the planet:

1 – Low Chlorogenic Acid

Chlorogenic acid is to blame when people feel jittery after drinking coffee. It also irritates the stomach and the lining of the small intestine which causes stomach upset.

Longevity Coffee® doesn't hurt your stomach

Chlorogenic acid is frequently considered a beneficial ingredient because it is an antioxidant. However, high doses of chlorogenic acid have been linked to many startling side effects, such as: insomnia, nervousness, restlessness, nausea, irregular heartbeat, headaches, anxiety, diarrhea, calcium and magnesium depletion, depression, fatigue, and trouble concentrating. Coffee contains so many other powerful antioxidants that it’s better to reduce chlorogenic acid and avoid the undesirable side effects associated with it.

All of our Longevity Coffees® have low chlorogenic acid. An average cup of coffee has 5-6 mg/mL of chlorogenic acid. Longevity Coffees® measure as low as .0171 mg/ml, which is dramatically lower than the rest of the industry! Low chlorogenic acid levels will ensure your most beneficial experience with coffee.

2 – Certified Organic

Conventional coffee is one of the most pesticide-intensive crops in the world so it is especially important to be diligent about selecting organic beans.

Longevity Coffee® does not spray chemicals on the coffee beans

According to the EPA (Environmental Protection Agency), conventional coffee contains residues from many synthetic fertilizers and pesticides that may contribute to things like autoimmune disease, nervous-system issues, and hormone imbalances.

Organic farms use fewer non-renewable resources, like petroleum and other dangerous pollutants that can leach into drinking water, ruin soils, or drift into the air of nearby communities from spraying.

All of our coffees have come from farms that meet strict certified organic standards, set up and enforced by the USDA (U.S. Department of Agriculture) which requires the coffee be free of any artificial contaminants like toxic pesticides, chemical sprays, or synthetic fertilizers. The farms must also grow the organic beans using best practices that are safe for its farmers and the environment.

And remember, anyone can say their coffee is organic, but unless it is labeled, it has not been inspected or certified.

3 – Medium Roast Spectrum

Longevity Coffee® Beans are medium roast

With our proprietary roasting process we have been able to achieve Light, Medium, and Dark Roast flavor profiles while still remaining in the medium roast spectrum, which is where you always want to land for the lowest acid levels and the best flavored coffee.


If you over-roast coffee beans, the antioxidants begin to break down and the original coffee’s qualities are lost, so it’s difficult to pick out the attributes of any specific flavor. On the other hand, if you don’t roast them enough, they tend to have a bitter citrusy flavor that is not generally enjoyed, and are more likely to exacerbate gastrointestinal distress. Staying in the medium roast spectrum allows our coffees to reveal their roast’s true flavors and aromas, while creating a healthy balance between acidity and body.

The Longevity Coffee® roaster is one-of-a-kind (there is not another one like it anywhere else in the world). Our unique equipment enables us to implement a proprietary roasting process that results in consistent and controlled characteristics. We have the ability to profile roast – producing subtle, yet complex flavors that no one else can. Therefore, all of our Longevity Coffees® fall somewhere within the medium roast spectrum, with our “Light Roast” being the lightest of the mediums and the “Dark Roast” being the darkest. The degree of difference in roast is still there, but not as pronounced as you’d find in other lines.

4 – NO Molds or Mycotoxins

Mycotoxins were once thought to be the cause of coffee jitters. We now know this isn’t true, though they will irritate gastrointestinal distress. However, they are still a true menace and are associated with much worse things like brain damage, hypertension, and kidney disease.

Mycotoxins are chemicals produced by molds. The two most common found in coffee beans are aflatoxin and ochratoxin, well known carcinogens believed to also be harmful to the brain and kidneys. They are usually found in low-quality coffee that is harvested, processed, or stored using inferior methods such as dry-processing coffee outside on the ground.

Conventional coffee bean fields


Conventional coffees often utilize this method. However, when they allow the beans to dry on the soil it greatly increases the chance of picking up a fungal infestation and the beans can mildew during this process. Dry processed coffees are also typically lower grade and not subject to the same rigorous quality control procedures as washed coffees.

Many coffee growers are aware of how dangerous mycotoxins are and do what they can to remove them from their beans. However, unless the coffee is certified organic, they usually just spray the beans heavily with other toxic chemicals that may be even more harmful than the mycotoxins themselves.

Longevity Coffee® uses an effective one-two punch to eliminate any risk of mold or mycotoxins. First, we start with certified organic beans that are wet processed, which prevents toxins from having any opportunity to contaminate our beans. Wet-processing is a relatively new method that results in a coffee that tends to be cleaner, brighter, and fruitier. Next, Longevity Coffee® has developed a completely original and proprietary roasting method that eradicates any remaining risk of impurities.

Our specialized process results in smooth, rich tasting, low acid coffee that is invigorating and doesn’t cause any jitters or gastrointestinal distress.  This is 100% crash-free coffee, always!

5 – Arabica Beans NOT Robusta Beans

Arabica Beans have about half the caffeine level of Robusta Beans. At first, more caffeine may seem like the ideal choice when trying to wake up in the morning, but large amounts of caffeine can also cause some of the less-desirable side effects associated with conventional coffees, like jitteriness, addiction, sugar cravings, upset stomach, and more. It also taxes the adrenal glands and when it wears off, leads to a sudden crash into low energy mode. Plus more caffeine results in unavoidably harsh and bitter flavor profiles.

Robusta Beans have become popular among inferior coffee makers because they are cheaper, hardier plants that are easy to tend to. They can be grown at lower altitudes, have a higher yield at more than three times Arabica plants, and are less sensitive to insects because the extra caffeine acts as a chemical defense for the coffee seed because the excessive amount is toxic to bugs. The choice to use Robusta is often driven by economic decisions rather than quality concerns.

All superior coffee is made with Arabica beans, which are naturally mild and aromatic – and can be roasted to reveal richer and more varied flavors. The manageable levels of caffeine found in Arabica Beans ensure quality nuanced flavor with a smoother delivery of energy.

We seek out Arabica beans from small family farms which are certified organic, fair trade, in high altitude areas with shade, rich soil, and clean water. A rich ecosystem is habitat-friendly to birds and insects who contribute to healthier soils and prevent having to supplement with fertilizers. The beans are hand-picked and sorted to avoid green coffee cherries and protect the harvest from including defective beans or other foreign materials. Only the best of those beans are then made into Longevity Coffee®.

Conclusion? Always Drink Crash-free Coffee.

Conventional coffee taxes the adrenals, causes stomach issues, overloads the body with toxins, and is highly acidic. Typical, overly-processed coffee can also cause jitters, addiction, headaches, cravings, and enhanced feelings of anxiety.

Longevity Coffee® beans are lovingly cultivated in optimal natural conditions on small farms across the globe with our proprietary roasting process. This grants us the opportunity to bring you smooth, rich, crash-free coffee that is the healthiest coffee in the world!



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  1. iree platinum

    Are the beans Non GMO? I have noticed that many of the organic seeds are actually GMO. That is why they do not need to spray for bugs because the GMO seeds are already bug resistant. Similar to the “High Pressure Processing” (HPP) methods now used on so called “Raw” nut butters and other “RAW” products on the Natural Food Store’s shelf. HPP kills the bacteria but not the live enzymes; so “they” say. REALLY? So much of the food supply is already GMO it is shocking.

    • Barbara Royce

      Really? This is terribly frightening, so many GM products already on shelves and our government allowed this to happen because of lobbyists for these toxic companies.

      • iree platinum

        I cannot blame the Gov’t. It is my responsibility, I have neglected my Duty. It is not too late though. Time to get busy. Buying some land this year and growing my own. Raising some Chickens and Goats too.

        • Barbara Royce

          It shouldn’t be like this, not everyone can move into country and grow their own food and raise chickens like my own brother. American people must voice opinions to state leaders and vote them out when necessary. These positions are not life time positions especially when jobs are not getting done.

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