Longevity Avocado Toast

Longevity Avocado Toast

Looking for a quick and healthy breakfast idea? We’ve got you covered with our easy and nutritious Longevity Avocado Toast! Whether you’re running out to the office, or feeding a family of 5 in the morning, this superhero avocado toast will satisfy the hungriest of tummies with the speed of Superman and the strength of Thor.

Why Avocado?

This popular superfruit is loaded with fiber, good fats, and is increasingly being used in more creative ways because of its reputation as a top-notch brain fuel and beneficial heart food.

Avocado for Avocado Toast

1 – Nutritional Superfruit

Avocadoes contain 20 different minerals and vitamins.

A 3.5 ounce serving includes vitamin K (26% of daily value), Vitamin C (17% of daily value), Vitamin B5 (14% of daily value), Vitamin B6 (13% of daily value), Vitamin E (10% of daily value), Potassium (14% of daily value), Folate (20% of daily value), along with small amounts of Vitamin A, B Vitamins (B1, B2, B3), Magnesium, Manganese, Iron, Copper, Zinc, and Phosphorus.

Avocadoes are low in calories (about 160), offer a little protein (2 grams), and gift us with 15 grams of healthy fat! This makes them wonderful brain fuel and healthy weight management food – keeping hunger at bay in between meals, so we don’t oversnack.

With 0 cholesterol and 0 sodium, and 7 of their 9 carbohydrates being fiber, they are the ultimate healthy food!

2 – Heart Health

77% of the calories in avocados come from their healthy fats.

In fact, the 15 grams of fat in an avocado are mainly oleic acid – the same monounsaturated fatty acid that gives olive oil all its positive health benefits. Oleic acid supports reduced inflammation within the body and supports healthy cell life. (1, 23)

There are preliminary clinical studies showing the benefits of avocados for cardiovascular health (4) as they support healthy blood flow and healthy blood pressure.

3 – Brain Power

Our brain is about 60% fat and requires fatty acids from food sources to function at its best. (5)

In addition, we need healthy blood flow to our brain for maximum responsiveness and to keep blood pressure in the healthy range. When blood pressure gets out of control and hypertension sets in, we are at risk for cognitive decline.

Avocadoes fit the bill for keeping our brain on point! (6) This also makes them a perfect meal for kids to eat before heading off to school, or you to eat before heading off to work.

Avocado Toast

Longevity Avocado Toast Recipe

Recipe by: The Longevity Coffee® Shop
Serves: 1

Mix Up in a Bowl:
1 ripe Avocado
1/8 tsp Himalayan or Icelandic Salt
3-4 shakes of Black Pepper
1/4 tsp Lime Juice

Toast your favorite bread.
Add the Avocado mixture to the top of the bread.

To the top of the Avocado mixture add:
1 sliver of Grapefruit, diced
1 small Red Pepper, diced
1 pinch Himalayan or Icelandic Salt
2-3 shakes of Black Pepper
1/4 tsp Lime Juice

And then, ENJOY!!

Note: Longevity Avocado Toast features red pepper and grapefruit to up the antioxidants, vitamins/minerals, anti-aging potential, cardiovascular benefits of the average Avocado Toast! Also, don’t feel you only have to eat this just for breakfast – it’s fantastic no matter what time of day you choose to eat it!

Once you make this at home, leave us a note in the comments below and let us know what you think!

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