Why Dieting Doesn’t Work
Find out why dieting can do more harm than good!
Not All Protein Powders are Created Equal
When you are looking for a vegan (non-dairy) protein powder there are many to choose from. A few …
What Exactly is a Complete Protein?
When people say they can’t possibly get enough protein without eating animal flesh, it is important to point out that all the strongest, largest animals on earth feed their enormous bodies with plants—especially algae, green leaves, and plankton.
Coffee: The Perfect Delivery System for Optimal Nutrition
Coffee is the most frequently consumed beverage in the world and caffeine is the most consumed ps…
Why So Many Americans Are Getting Sick (and how to avoid being one of them!)
In this exclusive video presentation, Dr. Joel Fuhrman reveals how the American diet is killing us and the causes of disease that are hidden in plain sight!
Raw Chocolate Chip Cookies
This cookie dough is safe to eat raw! You can also be imaginative and
stir in extras, like chopped dried fruit, chopped nuts—anything you like.
Super Bowl Salsa
Our delicious snack recipe with healthy fats and loaded with micronutrients!
The New #1 Cause of Illness
In two minutes this portable, lightweight, shelf-stable mixture turns into a savory meal with extraordinary health benefits.
Charcoal Lemonade Detox Tonic
The charcoal lemonade explained here combines detox with demulcents to sooth our gut, hydrate us, and pull toxic material from our body.
Digestive Holiday Tonic
Eating so many delicious meals this holiday season means giving your digestion a healthy boost. K…