5 Coffee Statistics No One Is Talking About
According to recent statistics, up to 250 pounds of chemical fertilizers are sprayed per acre of Conventional Coffee.
Some companies claim that the pesticides are “burned off” during roasting… but many others believe that the chemicals aren’t “cooked off” while roasting coffee beans, but rather “cooked into” the beans.
Would you eat a conventionally grown, genetically modified potato that was treated with dozens of dangerous chemicals just because someone told you they would magically disappear once you heated it up? Neither would we.
And so THIS is the Catch-22 most people have no idea exists:
1. Either you drink Conventional Coffee, which is mycotoxin-free but treated with chemicals, pesticides, herbicides, and/or fungacides.
– – – OR – – –
2. You drink Organic Coffee which is chemical-free, but prone to mycotoxins and fungal by-products growing freely on the beans.
Many of the negative side-effects of coffee which are generally attributed to caffeine are actually the result of the ochratoxins in the coffee: things like racing heartbeat and jitteriness, and they also make the flavor more bitter.
The presence of ochratoxins in coffee can be significantly impacted by the procedures which are utilized during processing. While molds can be killed off during the roasting process, ochratoxins usually survive. In fact, ochratoxins have been known to survive autoclaving for 3 hours. (IARC 1976).
Well, this one is sort of true because most commercial coffee brands on the market today are in the acidic range of 4.0-6.0. That’s definitely not good to drink. Why? Because the human body is a naturally alkaline environment.
When you consume an overly acidic diet, you throw off your body’s healthy pH balance and make your body susceptible to illness.* Our body’s internal system needs a pH just above 7.0 for the enzymatic, immunological, and repair mechanisms to function at their best.*
Longevity Coffee™ beans, however, boast a pH value of 7.2, which is exactly where your body needs to be to function at its best!*
Fact #5: Drinking coffee free from chemicals AND mycotoxins will make you feel amazing!*
Only Longevity Coffee® is 100% ORGANIC coffee (free from pesticides, herbicides, and fungacides) AND ALSO 100% free from mycotoxins and fungal by-products.
Longevity Coffee® boasts an incredible ORAC score of 48,000, four times that of wild blueberries. (ORAC or Oxygen Radical Absorbance Capacity is a unit of measurement used to determine the antioxidant activity of a food. Antioxidants are nutrients and enzymes that may help protect your cells against the effects of free radicals. So, the higher the ORAC score of a food, the better it is for you!)
By adding one simple and natural ingredient to the coffee beans.
One magical ingredient that not only makes the coffee chemical-free… but also mycotoxin-free and fungal by-product-free…
Give Longevity Coffee® a try today and feel the difference!
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